TA Code | Latin term | English term |
A14.1.08.401 |
A14.1.08.402 |
Corpus mammillare
Mammillary body
↓ A11.1.00.006 |
Neurohypophysis; Lobus posterior
Neurohypophysis; Posterior lobe
A11.1.00.007 |
↓ A11.1.00.008 |
Pars nervosa; Lobus nervosus
Pars nervosa; Neural lobe
A14.1.08.403 |
Chiasma opticum
Optic chiasm; Optic chiasma
A14.1.08.404 |
Tractus opticus
Optic tract
A14.1.08.405 |
Radix lateralis
Lateral root
A14.1.08.406 |
Radix medialis
Medial root
A14.1.08.407 |
Area preoptica
Preoptic area
A14.1.08.408 |
Tuber cinereum
Tuber cinereum
A14.1.08.409 |
Eminentia mediana
Median eminence
A14.1.08.410 |
Ventriculus tertius
Third ventricle
A14.1.08.411 |
Foramen interventriculare
Interventricular foramen
A14.1.08.412 |
Organum subfornicale
Subfornical organ
A14.1.08.105 |
Taenia thalami
Taenia thalami ▲
↓ A14.1.01.305 |
Tela choroidea ventriculi tertii
Tela choroidea of third ventricle
↓ A14.1.01.306 |
Plexus choroideus ventriculi tertii
Choroid plexus of third ventricle
A14.1.08.106 |
Stria medullaris thalami
Stria medullaris of thalamus
A14.1.08.413 |
Recessus suprapinealis
Suprapineal recess
A14.1.08.414 |
Commissura habenularum
Habenular commissure
A14.1.08.415 |
Recessus pinealis
Pineal recess
A14.1.08.416 |
Commissura posterior; Commissura epithalamica
Posterior commissure
A14.1.06.502 |
Apertura aqueductus mesencephali; Apertura aqueductus cerebri
Opening of aqueduct of midbrain; Opening of cerebral aqueduct
A14.1.08.417 |
Recessus infundibuli; Recessus infundibularis
Infundibular recess
A14.1.08.418 |
Recessus supraopticus
Supra-optic recess
A14.1.08.419 |
Lamina terminalis
Lamina terminalis
↓ A14.1.08.420 |
Columna fornicis
Column of fornix
A14.1.08.421 |
Commissura anterior
Anterior commissure
A14.1.08.422 |
Sulcus hypothalamicus
Hypothalamic sulcus
A14.1.08.103 |
Adhesio interthalamica
Interthalamic adhesion; Massa intermedia
Entries: 31 | Notes: 5 | Date: 29.01.2013 |
♦ TA98 footnote | ♠ TA98 correction note | ♣ TA98 RAT note | ♥ TA98 redirection note |
♠ | A11.1.00.006 | Neurohypophysis The three entries for this entity were made identical by using lobus posterior and posterior lobe as Latin and English official synonyms in all entries. |
♠ | A11.1.00.008 | Pars nervosa The two entries or this entity were made identical by using the term that appeared in both entries (pars nervosa) as the Latin preferred term and the unique term (lobus nervosus) as an official synonym. The English terms were treated comparably. |
♠ | A14.1.01.305 | Tela choroidea ventriculi tertii The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms tela choroidea ventriculi tertii and tela choroidea of third ventricle in both entries. |
♠ | A14.1.01.306 | Plexus choroideus ventriculi tertii The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms plexus choroideus ventriculi tertii and choroid plexus of third ventricle in both entries. |
♠ | A14.1.08.420 | Columna fornicis The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms columna fornicis and column of fornix in both entries. |